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0% of $1,050 goal

Let's Go To The Zoo

Dear Friends and Supporters,


The Lower 22 Foundation Inc. invites you to be part of something truly remarkable— providing veterans with a day at the zoo! 


🌿 Our Mission: A Peaceful Day For Families 


Imagine the sites, the gentle breeze, and the harmonious calls of wildlife. (You know when the coyotes let us know when an ambulance is driving by.) Now picture 50 veterans and their families enjoying the playground and petting station of Heritage Park Zoo—a sanctuary nestled next to beautiful Willow Lake. 


🦁 Why Heritage Park Zoo? 


Heritage Park Zoo is more than just a collection of animals; it’s a haven of healing. Here, worries dissipate, and hearts find solace. For our brave veterans, many of whom have faced unimaginable challenges, this day is an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, find peace, and rediscover life’s simple joys. 


With heartfelt thanks, 

Adam Nance and Jennifer Mena 

The Lower 22 Foundation Inc. 


Organized by Lower 22 Foundation Inc.
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 92-1097700
[email protected]