Mindful Yoga & Beyond

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1% of $15,000 goal

Mindful Yoga & Beyond

Mindful Yoga & Beyond is a nonprofit organization with a mission to provide yoga, mindfulness, and creative ways to help children self regulate & balance their mind & body while transferring these practices to daily life. An extremely important part of our mission is removing financial barriers and being able to offer yoga to all children. We look forward to building partnerships with school districts and other child-centered organizations. Our ultimate goal is to help children improve their overall physical and mental health. We love our studio space! It allows us to provide a variety of classes, events, fundraisers, and field trips. In order to provide more in studio classes & events to meet the needs of our families we would love to stay in this space for many years to come. Unfortunately, if we cannot cover the majority of the rent this may not be possible.

Organized by Mindful Yoga & Beyond