7th Annual LOLLIPOP Superhero Reveal

Get ready to cheer on our 8 new superheroes!

Stay tuned to how you can join the celebration!

On Sunday, April 27, 2025 the 7th Annual LOLLIPOP Superhero Reveal, in conjunction with national pediatric care specialists, selects up to 8 pediatric patients to become their very own uniquely developed Superheroes. 

Everyone involved gets a chance to find their superpowers, including patients, parents, siblings, caretakers, hospital staff, medical professionals, along with the movie studios, streamers, and stars with whom we partner. 

Created in conjunction with Hollywood's Costume Designers Guild, these one-of-a-kind personalized superhero costumes took shape and came to life! 

LOLLIPOP enlisted a renowned crew, including a world-famous photographer and Hollywood poster designers, which allowed these children's creations to take flight. 

This is a chance to give back, impact the lives of children in need of escapism, and make them feel like they can take on the world. 


Harmony Gold

7655 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90046


Organized by Lollipop Theater Network
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 04-3700586
[email protected]