Rebecca Vardiman made a $75 donation in honor of Carmen and Lance Jackson
over 4 years ago
Looking forward to seeing old and new friends there. Will visit and then take dinner home. Thanks to Josh and many others for such a fabulous fundraiser for our NAACP!
Anonymous loved this
Nina & Rob Forsythe made a $150 donation
over 4 years ago
We hope there are still tickets left. We'd love to honor all you do and are and support your future projects.
Denise Meade-Cervantes & Isaac Allen Meade made a $50 donation
over 4 years ago
Sending lots of love & support for our hometown’s NAACP chapter! Keep making positive change in our community!
Harriet Douglas made a $50 donation
over 4 years ago
Best wishes for a very successful fundraising event!
Tifani loved this
Caroline Hann made a $100 donation
over 4 years ago
Have a great event! I wish I could come home to attend, as it sounds like a powerful evening.
Tifani loved this
Nancy Giunta & Bill Dunlap made a $150 donation
over 4 years ago
Tifani loved this
Cassie Conklin made a $5 donation in honor of Elliott Slater
over 4 years ago
Contributing in honor of Elliott Slater's birthday
Tifani loved this
Thank you for supporting Allegany County NAACP #7007!
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Our mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.