Nava Dance Theatre

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58% of $10,000 goal

OLD ONE Help Nava Dance Theatre Raise $10,000 by Dec 31st!

Will you help us reach our goal?

Greetings from Nava Dance Theatre! In a year of extraordinary challenges, we have proved just how strong we can be. It was the support of friends that catalyzed that strength.

We are so very thankful for people like you who have made the decision to support and patronize Nava Dance Theatre.

As we approach December 31st, we have set an ambitious $10,000 goal that will enable us to continue to use bharatanatyam to navigate the complicated intersection of racism, feminism, and identity through our lived experience.

Will you help us reach our goal?

I believe in this work - I believe in paying dancers, musicians, collaborators; dancing in studios with floors that don’t kill our knees; paying panelists and speakers (who are also often artists who too often get asked to do things for free); and lastly creating capacity for other artists who don’t have access to same opportunities, all who make our performing arts community what I want it to be.

Every Gift is Meaningful

Thank you for considering supporting Nava Dance Theatre. A gift of any size is meaningful and provides substantial support to our work:

  • 20 gifts of $250 will pay for our rehearsal space all year.
  • 20 gifts of $100 will cover the panelist fees for the artists participating in our Unrehearsed Activism series.
  • 300 gifts of $50 will cover our dancers' fees for a year.
  • 280 gifts of $25 will cover our musicians' fees for a year.

A gift of any size will continue to help us create art that can convey the human impact behind historical events and contemporary narratives.


Organized by Nava Dance Theatre
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 46-1123165
[email protected]