
Our vision at Noir Vintage Fund is to create a wine industry that celebrates diversity, embraces inclusivity, and provides equal opportunities for all. We envision a future where minorities in the wine industry thrive, their contributions are valued and recognized, and they have access to the education, training, and resources necessary to succeed. By breaking down barriers and fostering a more equitable landscape, we strive for a wine industry that reflects the rich tapestry of our society, where every aspiring minority vintner can pursue their dreams and make a lasting impact. Together, we are shaping a future where diversity and excellence in the wine industry go hand in hand, and where inclusion is the cornerstone of a vibrant and progressive viticultural community.


The purpose of Noir Vintage Fund is to address the existing disparities and barriers faced by minorities in the wine industry. We seek to eliminate systemic obstacles and promote a more inclusive landscape where individuals of diverse ethnicities and backgrounds can thrive. By offering educational programs, scholarships, mentorship opportunities, and resources, we aim to empower aspiring minority vintners and enhance their skills, knowledge, and access to career pathways within the wine sector. Additionally, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of diversity and representation in the industry and advocate for meaningful change. Through our collective efforts, we envision a future where the wine industry is truly inclusive and reflective of the rich diversity of our society.

Noir Vintage Fund

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 93-2428435