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Support Inclusive Planning and Policymaking

El Concilio of San Mateo County is proud to support underserved community members to have their voices heard in public planning processes related to health, climate, hazard mitigation, and more. It is usually a hardship for those most impacted to participate, that's why we are committed to valuing their time and ideas, protecting them from the impact of participating -- whether its loss of worktime, paying for childcare, gas or transit costs, and most importantly to doing the work to make sure their concerns are heard, understood, and incorporated into actions, measures and policies. Please donate $50 to compensate a community member to participate in policymaking.

Thank you for your generosity. 


Ana Avendaño, Executive Director


Organized by El Concilio of San Mateo County
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 94-2772110
[email protected]