General Donations

Nearly a decade ago, the seeds of The Orphan Well Cooperative were sown in the soil of curiosity and compassion.

For one member of the founding board, what began as personal research into the realm of orphan wells soon revealed the staggering magnitude of the issue.

Following that discovery, a group of women from the drilling and operating side of the oil and gas industry were on a mission of their own. Exploring ways to leverage their expertise in plugging wells as a business service, they stumbled upon a stark reality. Confronted with the sheer volume of orphan wells dotting the landscape, more questions emerged: "Why aren’t  more people talking about this?” and “How can we use our resources to address this looming problem and make sure it doesn’t continue into the future?”

The gravity of the orphan well predicament contrasted starkly with the lack of attention it received. The silence around this issue begged a response—one rooted in integrity, accountability, and genuine concern for the environment. It was time to challenge perceptions, to defy the notion that communities and industries in our sphere are indifferent to the well-being of our planet.

A shared vision began to take shape—to harness the collective knowledge, resources, and expertise to create awareness and change. 

A pivotal force behind the cooperative's inception was the overwhelming involvement of volunteers, the majority representing professionals within the oil and gas sector. These dedicated individuals, intimately acquainted with the industry's intricacies, rallied behind the cause, knowing that they held a unique power to drive transformation.

Central to the cooperative's identity was the first hand familiarity of the voices that had long been unheard. Landowners left with remnants of years past experienced firsthand the aftermath of operations. Their stories painted a vivid picture of unaddressed concerns and underscored the imperative for change.

And so, a 501(c)3 came into existence, rooted in a quest for knowledge, fueled by industry insight, and propelled by a desire to mend the past, restore dignity, and shape a more sustainable future.

The cooperative's origin story is a testament to the belief that awareness, action, and collaboration can bridge divides, turn the tide of neglect, and illuminate a path toward positive transformation for communities, the environment, and even century old industries.

We invite you to be a part of a commitment to bringing together the siloed pieces of the puzzle, pooling resources, expertise, and perspectives to forge more comprehensive and impactful responses, emphasizing the collective effort required to tackle the orphan well crisis.

The Orphan Well Cooperative stands poised to not only mend the past but to shape a sustainable and harmonious future.

Organized by The Orphan Well Cooperative, Inc.
[email protected]