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1% of $100,000 goal

Invest In OutSmart's LGBTQ Community Media Foundation


We have officially launched our OutSmart Foundation for Community Media Fundraising Campaign! 

We are telling the stories of our community, for our community to learn and grow from the experiences of one another. Become an integral part of our community’s history today.

Your tax-deductible donation to the Outsmart Foundation for Community Media, a 501c3 public charity nonprofit organization dedicated to amplifying the voices of the LGBTQ+ community through community media, will allow us to continue to enhance the work we do through philanthrojournalism. 

With your donation and through multimedia storytelling, OutSmart Media is highlighting the stories and legacies of our community at home and across the nation. Together, we can increase visibility and inspire positive change for the LGBTQ+ community. 


Organized by OutSmart Foundation for Community Media
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 92-3285746
[email protected]