Join us at the as we celebrate Owl Day. Come explore the exhibit hall, view a special owl exhibit, participate in owl themed activities, watch a special owl themed puppet show, visit the nature store for a free owl take home craft, enjoy live bird presentations, and listen to a fantastic presentation about the Refuge.
Tickets are free! Donations to the Friends of the Bear River Refuge are used to support Refuge projects as well as Refuge educational programs. Thank you!
**We will be offering three different live presentations. At 10:00 am Ogden Nature Center will be at the Refuge for a mystery owl presentation. Brian Ferguson, Friends Board member and Refuge volunteer, will be presenting Bear River: Lifeline to the Great Salt Lake at 11:30 am. At 1:00 pm Hawkwatch International will be at the Refuge for a mystery owl presentation.
Tickets are required to see the live bird presentations and attend the Bear River: Lifeline to the Great Salt Lake presentation. Due to limited seating everyone two and older must have a ticket to participate in these presentations. Tickets are issued on a first come first serve basis. All other activities are open to all. No ticket required.