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0% of $100,000 goal

Training for Artists with Disabilities

My business, The Emerging Art Guide, has been helping train neurodivergent artists and artists with disabilities how to become the kind of artist they dream of being. This includes technical training in visual arts, portfolio building, applying for grants, residencies, and exhibitions, and public speaking skills. Currently this has only been offered online. 

I aim to take the next step in opening the very first gallery and atelier (training school) centered around neurodivergent artists and artists with disabilities that not only displays, markets, and sell their work, but also offer training in-person for these artists. 

The first $1000 will be used towards finalizing our 501C3 documentation!

The visual art industry fails our neurodivergent and disabled artists, I want to change that!

Organized by Emerging Art Guide
[email protected]