Pathway to Restoration

Will you contribute to our Pathway to Restoration? As we re-do our restoration home’s walkway, purchase a brick that will help close the gap on the funding needed to open the home's doors! Have your name, your church’s name, business' name, family name, etc. engraved on a brick at the restoration home as a visual representation to future residents of the community that loves them, cares for them, and is championing them on their healing journey.


Here are the prices and sizes of the bricks:

$500 for a 4x8 brick

$2,500 for a 8x8 brick

$5,000 for a 12x12 brick


Reserve your brick through donating online or by mailing a check to P.O. Box 229, Lemoyne, PA 17043 with "brick" in the memo.


Organized by Greenlight Operation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 86-2281338
[email protected]