It's that time of year again! Join Awake on Sunday October 1st at Hett Park for the 5th Annual Great Berwyn Pie Bake-Off. This event will satisfy your sweet tooth and help support resident-led community initiatives in Berwyn!!!
How it Works
In this annual event, amateur bakers enter their best pie to be judged by our panel of judges. While the judges roll up their sleeves and do the hard work of tasting every pie (they are brave souls), attendees get to hang out with friends and neighbors, listen to music and fill up their plates with pie samples. After the award ceremony for the winning bakers, the pies will be auctioned off with proceeds powering resident-led community initiatives in Berwyn and the surrounding communities.
Calling All Bakers!
Pull out your favorite pie recipe and whip up two home-made pies to enter in the competition. The first pie will be used for judging and sampling, and the second pie will be entered into the auction. Judges will select three winners: 1st and 2nd place adult bakers, and 1st place youth baker. There will be terrific prizes for the winners, and all bakers will leave knowing that they helped raise money for the Berwyn community. Please register by September 29th to let us know you plan to enter your pie, and don't forget - you'll need to bring two of the same pie to the event.
Get Your Forks Out
We don't just need pie makers - we need pie (and cake) eaters! You'll be able to purchase pie samples at the event ($5 gets you 5 samples) to help you figure out which pies you want to bid on in the pie auction. Competition in the auction tends to be fierce so start exercising those arm muscles now to make sure you are in fighting shape by the 1st.