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Popcorn and Books' Build A Kid's Library


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Campaign Ended

Organized by Popcorn and Books


8 Supporters

102% of $3,000 goal

Team Members





Tuesday, November 30th, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM EST

Live Stream

Add to Calendar 2021-11-30 09:00:00 2021-11-30 21:00:00 America/New_York Read-A-Thon As we wrap up Family Literacy Month join Karter on #GivingTuesday as he reads for 12 hours (every hour and every half hour) to raise money for his Popcorn and Books' Build A Kid's Library program. His goal is to raise $3,000 by December 15, 2021, so that he can buy books, shipping material, and postage which will be everything he needs to send books to kids in Detroit once a month at no cost to their families. There will be 25 kids in the program but it doesn't stop with 25 kids in Detroit, because he will also be sending books to kids around the country starting with Kids in Atlanta who has reached out to him saying they need books without hesitation he said: "yes, I will send books to 25 kids in Atlanta as well." So please come and support him so that he can fulfill his promise and help grow kids' home library. donate now at www.buildakidslibrary.org


As we wrap up Family Literacy Month join Karter on #GivingTuesday as he reads for 12 hours (every hour and every half hour) to raise money for his Popcorn and Books' Build A Kid's Library program. His goal is to raise $3,000 by December 15, 2021, so that he can buy books, shipping material, and postage which will be everything he needs to send books to kids in Detroit once a month at no cost to their families. There will be 25 kids in the program but it doesn't stop with 25 kids in Detroit, because he will also be sending books to kids around the country starting with Kids in Atlanta who has reached out to him saying they need books without hesitation he said: "yes, I will send books to 25 kids in Atlanta as well." So please come and support him so that he can fulfill his promise and help grow kids' home library. donate now at www.buildakidslibrary.org



Share Fundraiser

Campaign Ended


8 Supporters

102% of $3,000 goal

Popcorn and Books

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 87-1411835