ConzuelusHi Sarah. 😊 You are absolutely right. There are so many lives to be impacted by Purple Velvet Rope and that's exactly what we are going to do. We are so thankful for your donation and continued support! 🙏 💪 💜
over 1 year ago
Ursula Ward made a $100 donation
over 1 year ago
Awesome Cause! This is very much needed
Conzuelus and 1 other
ConzuelusWow! Thank you Ursula, for your generous donation. This cause is very much needed. So many lives lost, senselessly. 💜🙂
over 1 year ago
Carole Naumann made a $100 donation
over 1 year ago
We will commit to donate $100 a month till the building is constructed.
Conzuelus and 2 others
ConzuelusThank you Ms. Carole. I remember your comment on the Contingency Plan page. You are awesome. I pray God returns it back to you 100 fold. 💜🙂
over 1 year ago
Kamonta Jones made a $50 donation
over 1 year ago
This is so needed here in Nashville, Tn. I have friends who need this but are afraid to speak out because they are afraid of their boyfriend and what they will do. If you ever start something like this here I would like to volunteer my time. Great work Mr. Mitchell!
Conzuelus and 2 others
ConzuelusThank you Kemonta, for your generous donation. Fear is the enemy that keeps women from leaving so many times. And they often pay with their lives. Stay connected to our cause. Our one-of-a-kind Contingency Plan is designed to help women #GETOUTNOW! Hopefully, we can help soon. 💜🙂
over 1 year ago
Diane Martin made a $1,000 donation
over 1 year ago
People don't understand how much something like this is needed. It almost will take something like this happening to someone to understand how serious domestic violence is. I was in two relationships that almost killed me. The first one I was young and wasn't told by my parents things like this could happen and when I got out I said it would never happen again , but it did and thats when I was at my lowest point in my life when my father passed. He came to me as someone caring and loving and I let my guard down and he went in for the kill. It's more to the story and I will submit my story soon telling all the details but I wish something like this was available when I was going through pure hell. Any and everything would set him off and make his start beating me. Please reach out to me Dell I love you for starting something like this and I will support you in any way possible to make this a reality. My number is attached in the form. By the way of Waldorf, MD. :)
Conzuelus and 2 others
ConzuelusThank you Ms. Diane. Wow! Your generous donation will help us provide a safe haven for victims and their children. And yes, please share your story via the website. 💜🙂