Here's my shovel!

(Photo Credit: Jason Lee, [email protected])

Once upon a time, an old man walked along a beach after a storm and found it strewn with thousands of starfish. A young boy was bending down, picking up the starfish one by one and tossing them back into the ocean. When the old man questioned the boy’s efforts, given the sheer number of starfish, the boy simply replied, “It made a difference to that one!”

Now, imagine if instead of picking up starfish one at a time, the boy had a shovel. With each scoop, he could save hundreds of starfish in one go. The impact would be tremendous, turning a seemingly endless task into a powerful wave of change.

At Free Forever-Latisha's House Foundation, we are that shovel. We work tirelessly to free women from the slavery of sex trafficking, and every bit of support helps us reach more survivors. Your donations act as the shovel, enabling us to extend our reach and amplify our efforts. Just as the shovel could rescue hundreds of starfish, your support helps us transform countless lives.

Join us in this mission. With your help, we can turn our commitment into a tidal wave of change, ensuring every woman we reach can find freedom and a brighter future. 

Make a difference with us today. Pick up that shovel!


Organized by Latisha's House Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 90-0949431
[email protected]