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61% of $5,000 goal

2024 Season Robot Build

We're students of the Math and Science Academy, and members of The Fighting Calculators, a FIRST Robotics Competition Team. We just completed our pre-season which included whole team training on CAD, cleaning the shop, learning project management software, and developing a recruitment and fundraising plan. We are now officially launching our 2023-24 season which concludes with two state-wide competitions.


Our team is seeking sponsorship from your company, organization or familiy in the form of funding or in-kind contributions (tools, materials, or services). Your support helps the following:

➢ Connect: Women and BIPOC Students to engineering and science pathways

○ Only 4.7% of professional software developers are women, while ~40% of our

team members are women or gender minorities

○ Only 29% of engineering workers are BIPOC, while ~50% of our team is BIPOC

➢ Develop: Teaching essential skills such as programming, CAD, project management, marketing, and engineering or core to our team. 

○ Only 20% of high-school students are prepared for college-level

➢ Collaborate for real world solutions


In short, we build a robot from scratch in six weeks to compete regionally and learn a lot of science, tech, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and team work skills and seek your help and support.


Please consider helping us raise $5,000. Your support goes to:

➢ Robot and practice field build


Our success and existence are not possible without support from our community.To

donate and to learn more about our team, FIRST and sponsorship opportunities, please see

website: msarobotics.org


We really hope you consider sponsoring our team! Should you have any questions, please

reach out to our Lead Mentor, Noah Langseth at [email protected]


Thank you very much for your consideration.



The Fighting Calculators

Organized by Math and Science Academy Robotics, Inc.
[email protected]