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21% of $5,000 goal

The Rainbow Project

Have you ever done something wildly out of the box like send an application in to a highly prestigious art center thinking there was no way you'd ever be selected.

Who could imagine a small town girl from Central Illinois being selected out of 1000's of amazing creatives and artist?

Ever happen to you? It happened to me.

I recently sent a presentation to highly sought after traveling art show with my idea for a photography project. When I did it, I didn't think anything would ever come of it. That's when I got the news. I had been selected!

Now I have a small window of time to make the project from my presentation a reality. The Rainbow Project is a personal creative project I envisioned almost a year ago after much prayer about what direction I was meant to take my creative side. The concept behind the project is to feature individual colors in a new and creative way through portrait photography.

The goal of the rainbow project is to produce 9 single color themed photo sessions. Colors I plan to feature are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, and gold.

Models will be selected but not by the standard fashion checklist. My hope is that I'll be able to use models who wouldn't normally be chosen to model for a project for this. My hope is to show them the beauty that has been there all along and show them they are beautiful, whole, complete, and perfected in the love of Jesus Christ.

After thoroughly reviewing the needs to produce this project, I realized this was no small endeavor. The costs involved in these sessions will include: props, backdrops, wardrobe, hair and makeup.

Those of you who know me well, know how difficult it is to even ask for help. After years of helping others by giving of my time and personal finances, I am now the one asking for help. Would you consider even a small donation to this project to make a huge dream of mine become a reality?

I appreciate all of you and I am grateful for your support!

Organized by M3 Creative Portraits, LLC
[email protected]