Sometimes we have to walk in circles to move forward. Sometimes we have to see everything around us before we can see what’s in front of us. And sometimes, life will take you on journeys, that we may not always like, but we have to find our way home. 

Brandon gave his life to Jesus at the age of 12 at a church summer camp. He attended a small church in Belen NM were he found his love for childrens ministry and worship. He quickly learned how to opperate audio and visual and fell in love with it. In 2006 he had many challenges that arose which led him to a different church. In 2007 he attended a confernece at the Internation House Of Prayer in KC Missiorri that would forever change his life. He encounterd God like never before and new his calling was in music ministry. He began leading worship at the age of 16. A few years later he took on the Lead worship role for a local church in Los Lunas NM, all while leading children and youth ministries.

Brandon recieved a instagram message from Justin Rizzo from KC asking if he was interested in co writing and worship coaching, which led to Him recording his first single in 2022. He was pushed out of his comfort zone and was taught to love his gift and walk in more freely. 

In the fall of 2022 he was diagnoased cancer which led him to take sometime off for recovery. In this time he faced some scary moments but new God had his hand in his life. After he underwent surgey, and the cancer was removed he decided to take sometime for himself. In Januray of 2023, after 16 years of dedication to his local church and ministry he felt it was time resign and move on to something else. As challenges kept coming his way he starting feeling like he didn't have a place any longer. Whilw taking time off, he asked God if he would ever do music or worship again. In 2023 Justin reached out yet again, and at the right time, asked if Brandon would like to attend Recharge Nashville. He was hessitent at first for various reason but said yes. Brandon new this was God saying "walk in your gifts in which i have given you. You never fear the big things life throws at you so why fear the small things?"

His passion for people and love for God continue today.   He believes worship is the front line in battle for churches. It sets the tone, it's what drives, motivates, heals and helps people.




A word from Brandon

Than you for reading this far. My vision is to continue to walk in the call to make music and to help you in whatever season you may be in. I have to be reminded of my calling often because it's so easy to walk away when it gets hard or when we don't get praise we desire from men. We have to remember what and why we do what we do in our everyday lives and thats to bring praise to Jesus. I am stepping out in faith and believing God will provided as I step out into this new worship and music ministy. This is just a start for what will come. 

What is Recharge Nashville?

Recharge is a small gathering designed to envision and refuel you as a worship leader through rest, refelction, co-writing, and bfreaking bread together. This is also an oppurtunity to record a LIVE set at the Franklin Prayer House and build long-lasting community with other worhsip leaders. 


Would you join me in the next chapter of my life? Here's how:







- Recharge KC 2022

Recharge Nashville