Tickets & More
Organized by Read to Grow
57 Supporters
A Night For The Books: Read to Grow's 25th Anniversary Celebration & Fundraiser
Thursday, May 1st, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Select tickets
Book Lover Ticket
Early Bird: VIP Book Lover Ticket
Includes Limited Edition Book Tote bag!
Full-page ad in our digital slideshow
15 remaining
Please email high res digital ad to no later than April 25, 2025.
Full-page ad in our printed program
2 remaining
Includes 1 Book Lover ticket.
To be included in the printed program, ads must be received by April 1, 2025 and can be emailed to
Program Sponsor: Board Book
27 remaining
Includes 2 Book Lover tickets, named in digital slideshow.
Program Sponsor: Picture Book
19 remaining
Includes 2 VIP Book Lover Tickets, your name in the printed program & digital slideshow, and 2 Limited Edition Book Tote Bags.
Program Sponsor: Beginning Reader
18 remaining
Includes 4 VIP Book Lover tickets, an ad in the printed program & digital slideshow, and 4 Limited Edition Book Tote Bags.
Program Sponsor: Chapter Book
20 remaining
Includes 5 VIP Book Lover tickets, a reserved table for 5, ad in printed program & digital slideshow, and 5 Limited Edition Book Tote Bags.
Program Sponsor: Novel
Includes 6 VIP Book Lover tickets, reserved table for 6, ad in printed program and digital slideshow, 6 Limited Edition Book Totes.
Program Sponsor: Anthology
10 remaining
Includes 8 VIP Book Lover tickets, a reserved table for 8, an ad in the printed program & digital slideshow, and 8 Limited Edition Book Tote Bags.
Exclusive Event Sponsorship: 📸 Memory Maker
Sold Out
Capture the magic! Ensure that a professional photographer preserves every unforgettable moment of the evening. This includes 2 VIP Book Lover Tickets and name in the digital slideshow.
Exclusive Event Sponsorship: 📜 Legacy Leader
1 remaining
Put your name in the pages of history! Sponsor the printed event program, illuminating an unforgettable evening celebrating 25 years of building literacy from birth. Includes 2 VIP Book Lover Tickets and 2 Limited Edition Book Totes.
Exclusive Event Sponsorship: 🎥 Silver Screen Sponsor
25 years in the making! Fund the exclusive anniversary video, a heartwarming highlight reel of the organization's journey and impact. Includes recognition in printed program and digital slideshow. 3 VIP Book Lover Tickets and 3 Limited Edition Book Totes.
Exclusive Event Sponsorship: 🏛 Grand Venue Visionary
Where memories are made! Underwrite the meaningful library setting for the night, ensuring a spectacular space for celebration. Includes 4 VIP Book Lover Tickets, recognition in the printed program and the digital slideshow, and 4 limited Edition Book Totes.
Exclusive Event Sponsorship: 📖 Storyteller Superstar
Bring literary legends to life! Support the experience of mingling with renowned authors and illustrators, giving guests a chance to connect with creative minds. Includes 5 VIP Book Lover Tickets, a table for 5, and 5 Limited Edition Book Totes.
Exclusive Event Sponsorship: 🍽 Gastronomique Connoisseur
Be the reason guests savor every book inspired bite and enjoy fun beverages! Sponsor the delicious, chef-crafted cuisine from Zucca Gastrobar and ensure a night of unforgettable flavors. Includes 6 VIP Book Lover Tickets, a table for 6, 6 Limited Edition Book Totes, and recognition in the printed program and digital slideshow.
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Read to Grow
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity
EIN 06-1572185