When I was 7 years old I was diagnosed with Type 1 Childhood Diabetes. I had no idea what that meant--for my health, for my daily life as a 7 year old, or for my future. But that changed quickly as I was introduced to the Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes in Denver, Colorado. I spent countless hours there, with my parents, in the early days of my diagnosis--learning what my body was doing, learning how to check my blood sugar and take shots, what to eat and not eat, and finding out what my body was capable of. I returned there several times a year for a solid 16 years of doctor visits at a place that helped me shape my future in knowing how to care for myself in my independence.
Now, as a healthy adult with a family of my own, I feel the call to not only give back to a place that helped me so incredibly much, but to use that place to help reach out to some of those children that I once was: the newly diagnosed.
I currently am an independent consultant for a company called "Usborne Books and More" that sells the most amazing children's books and activities. I've always wanted to use this platform to donate books to a cause, I had just never found the right one. I came up with the idea to donate books to the Barbara Davis Center for them to provide to newly diagnosed children.
I remember all the books and literature about the facts around diabetes that I received as a newly diagnosed patient. But I don't remember receiving much in the way of comforting things when I was learning about this new disease. It's my goal to get books that might bring comfort, confidence, and even an escape to these children as they take on their new lifestyle.
So I'm reaching out to you to see if you'd like to join me in this and help to get some sweet and special books donated to these kiddos. There are a couple of comforting, lovey books for the littlest of patients, and some workbook type books about being brave and not worrying for he older children. There are two options to help.
You can make a straight donation here: https://givebutter.com/sBaH4Y
and the money will be used to purchase these books that will then be sent directly to the BDC.
You may join in on our "Cards For a Cause" portion of the fundraiser and order a box of your choice of greeting cards, in which Usborne Books and More then donates 40% of the cost toward said cause. You can find more information and the order sheet for these here: https://docs.google.com/forms/...
Any commission that Usborne will be paying me as a consultant will in turn be used toward this fundraiser as well and I am just so excited to be able to "pay-back" and provide some light on what can feel like such a dark time for these sweet little ones. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
With my whole heart, thank you
-Amy McVeigh
Organized by BDC Usborne Books Fundraiser