Write Your Way To Wholeness: Supporting life to flow again


In partnership with NI2C, Rosslyn invites us to embark on a journey of Poiēsis toward wholeness.


Poiēsis is a process:

We sit, clearing space for the mystery.
We write, allowing life to unfold and display itself before us.
We speak, breathing life into our words.
We witness, feeling the resonance of our truths.

The Greek term poiēsis, which means “to create”, to bring something into existence. Expression becomes the bridge connecting us to our nature and to our world. 

Through us, the unknown becomes known. What is previously non-existent takes form through our writing and speaking, creating new possibility for healing and birth. 

Let life flow and work its way through us, and let us be witnessed in our truths.


A theme will be introduced in each session.
10 min meditation, 20 min freewriting with prompts.
Sharing in small pods.
Open sharing in large group (optional).

Schedule: One Wednesday each month (90min)

Jun 12 - 10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern
Jul 10 - 5:00pm Pacific / 8:00pm Eastern
Aug 14 - 10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern
Sep 11 - 5:00pm Pacific / 8:00pm Eastern
Oct 16 - 10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern
Nov 13 - 5:00pm Pacific / 8:00pm Eastern

What’s required?
Pen, paper, and you. Come, as you are. No prior writing experience required.
A journal/notebook dedicated to this practice is highly recommended.

Suggested Donation: $20 / $25 per event.
Funds collected from these events will go toward NI2C to support operations and programs.
If cost is an issue, you are still welcome, just send a dollar to NI2C.
Zoom Link:
RSVP Here to receive your Zoom link: https://mailchi.mp/0851104accf1/hdryc177rb

Organized by Nested Integral Coaching Constellation
[email protected]