Safe and Strong Workshop | 自衛工作坊

An empowerment and self-defense workshop for Asian and Pacific Islander women in the restaurant and service industry.

Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended

Organized by Philly Solidarity


12 Supporters

Team Members



Safe and Strong Workshop | 自衛工作坊

Monday, June 21st, 2:00 PM EDT

In Person

Join us for an empowerment and self-defense workshop for Asian and Pacific Islander women in the restaurant and service industry presented by Philly Solidarity, CIFWI at PCDC, and Armed Against Hate. We will be holding two free sessions on Monday, June 21st at the edge of Chinatown.

Philly Solidarity 費城團結聯盟 、 CIFWI 移民家庭情緒健康計劃 和 Armed Against Hate 協辦 , 為餐飲和服務行業的亞裔女性打氣,一起參與自衛工作坊 。

For those in need of childcare, CIFWI at PCDC will be offering childcare free of charge for attendees during the duration of the workshop. Once you have your ticket confirmed, please visit Childcare Signup to sign-up for childcare services during your workshop.

對於需要托兒服務的人,PCDC 的 CIFWI 將在 工作坊 期間為參與者免費提供托兒服務。確認您的門票後,請點擊並訪問 托兒服務報名表註冊托兒服務。

Donations are welcomed! Donations will go towards coordinating childcare, refreshments for attendees, and materials needed for workshop execution. Any leftover donations will go towards future Safe & Strong workshops.


Sessions 1 | 第 1 節
🕑 2:00 - 3:00 PM
📍 Crane Community Center (1001 Vine St. 2nd floor) | 鼎華中心 (萬安街 1001 號 2樓)

Session 2 | 第 2 節
🕢 7:30 - 8:30 PM
📍 10th Street Plaza (1000 Vine St.) | 十街廣場 (萬安街 1000號)

See you there to learn how to use pepper spray correctly and how self-defense teaches us that we deserve to live freely and without fear!



Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended


12 Supporters

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Philly Solidarity

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 87-2385897

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