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100% of $6,000 goal

Memorial Bench for Sam Faggiano

Help us establish a memorial bench to honor Sam Faggiano

We are nearing a full year since our father, Sam Faggiano, unexpectedly passed away in March 2023. While we have celebrated his life with family and friends, visited his hometown (Rochester, NY) where we laid him to rest within a beautiful mausoleum, we felt we were missing a place to visit and honor him within the city that he dedicated so much of his life to.

With that, we are looking to establish a memorial bench in Spokane, WA as a place where loved ones can go to remember, honor, and spend a moment or two with him. Our goal is to have the bench located near City Hall/ Post St. Bridge overlooking Spokane Falls.

Your tax-deductible donation to the Spokane Parks Foundation will help us raise the funds needed to establish this memorial bench in his memory. We can’t thank you enough for all your love and support as we look forward bringing everyone together once again in the future for the bench unveiling.


If you prefer to donate directly to the Spokane Parks Foundation, visit spokaneparksfoundation.org/donate  and indicate the donation is for Sam Faggiano’s memorial bench. You can also mail a check to:


Spokane Parks Foundation

PO Box 8127

Spokane, WA  99203



Organized by Spokane Parks Foundation
[email protected]