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26% of $100,000 goal

Support MaxMods dba Santa's Little Hackers

Santa's Little Hackers is a seasonal toy drive to adapt toys. We make simple modifications to the electronics of toys and give them away. These adaptations make the toys accessible to individuals with disabilities so they can play independently.


Santa's Little Hackers is an annual event put on by MaxMods. MaxMods is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation chartered to 'make the world accessible for all' by identifying adaptations and modifications to make the world work for individuals living with disabilities.

Your donation of $25.00 enables us to purchase a battery operated toy and adapt it to help Make Fun Accessible For All! Bump that donation to $50.00, and we're able to purchase a toy to adapt, and send a Banana Pie Accessible Switch. 


If your company would like to sponsor our annual Santa's Little Hackers event, please reach out at [email protected]. We are able to make the world accessible for all because of YOU!


Organized by Maxmods
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 47-2360956
[email protected]