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School Field Trip Tickets

A growing body of research shows that engaging in performing arts opportunities helps improve kids' social-emotional well-being and academic outcomes while also increasing their civic engagement and appreciation for arts and culture. And, these outcomes are even greater for kids representing underserved groups. As arts opportunities are decreasing in our schools, Stage Kids is working to fill this great need for our kids, but we need YOUR help!


At each of Stage Kids' winter, spring and fall Spotlight Productions, we plan two performances specifically for school field trips to attend. We have found that partnering with schools to bring field trips of students to our shows is the single best way to reach kids who otherwise don't have access to performing arts opportunities.


To make the most of this opportunity, we create pre-show engagement activities for the kids to do in their classroom leading up to the show (teaching theater history and etiquette as well as core concepts from the upcoming show) as well as post-show activities such as a "talk back" with actors where students can ask questions after the show.


The feedback we receive about these field trips from students and teachers is nothing short of life changing. For the majority of these kids, it is their first time seeing a live performance and/or their first time in the Numerica PAC theater, and teachers rave about the quality of the performance and the tangible impact this experience has on their students!


Unfortunately, school budgets are very tight. Still, our local school districts are often willing and able to pay the transportation costs to get their students to and from the show IF they can send ALL the students in a single grade. However, they are not able to cover the cost of tickets for every student in a single grade to attend (even at the highly discounted  rate we offer them) - a total cost of $5,000. That's where we need YOUR help!


If you believe in the positive power of performing arts opportunities for our youth, supporting our school field trip program is one of the best investments you can make. Thank you for joining us in building characters, one child at a time!


Organized by Stage Kids
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 20-5394417