Supporters, Members and Dues!

REMINDER- Click "monthly" it's important!

Monthly Dues Recomendations:

5-10$ if you're pay check to paycheck, we want to make sure that this movement is increasing the stability that exists in your life. Being a member should make your life more stable than a few days of coffee, if it doesn't then don't pay dues until it does.

10-30$ if you have disposable income every month and you've got a good chunk of saving 

30-150$ if you're making good money, growing your savings and have a family safety net.

150-200$ if you're making 6 figures and taking expensive vacations each year, it's important to put your money where your mouth is. Organized money allows us to fight for our future and our present.

Note: Remember these are guidelines, and we use the honor system. We know that positionality in society is not straightforward, If you're making 6 figures but are a first generation immigrant who's paying to take care of family, it wouldn't make sense for you to pay the same as a colleague who comes from generational wealth.We simply ask that you think seriously about your class position and your stake in confronting this crisis. Use your judgement. 


Supporters constitute those outside our movement who want to support youth organizing- parents and older family, comrades or environmentalists. We prefer reccuring payments, if you make one please send us a note with why you became a supporter!


Organized by Sunrise DC
[email protected]