At the heart of every successful school community lies a network of dedicated parents, teachers, and community members who believe in the potential of our students.
The SOCES Booster Club is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the educational experience at our school. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to raise money for school programs that fall outside of the school budget, to encourage volunteerism among parents and staff, and to support our school and, most importantly, your children.
Help us Bridge the Funding Gap
While our school provides a solid foundation for education, gaps in federal and state funding often leave essential programs underfunded. These gaps can impact sports teams, fine arts programs, and other extracurricular activities vital to a well-rounded education. Our Booster Club bridges this gap, ensuring our students have access to the opportunities they deserve.
Every donation to the Booster Club is tax-deductible and 100% of our earned dollars stays with us and is used for our school and students. Through the collective efforts of parents, teachers, school administrators, students, and the broader community, we can address the needs and priorities of our school community.
Organized by Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies Booster Club
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 95-4465108
[email protected]