Soul Beauty Outreach

Support Unhoused Women in Transition

Our Mission:
Soul Beauty Outreach is a 501(C)(3) non-profit that provides soul care to young women who are unhoused.
Soul-care includes these five areas of focus: spiritual guidance, financial stability, emotional wellness, mental hygiene, and life skills. 

Visit our website here 


Why we do it:
Our team includes four passionate women who have all been personally or indirectly affected by homelessness or being unhoused.
What’s the impact we want to make this year:
We want to impact the lives of at least 500 displaced women through partnerships, fundraising events, our free resource library, and collaborations with local organizations. We currently offer soul care kits, practical support, and resources to each woman at our events. 
How we plan to use the money:
All donations will help us purchase self-care kits, replenish event supplies, build our resource library, and provide financial assistance to women in need. Our goal in 2024 is to spread awareness of soul care and help as many women as possible.
We appreciate every donation to our organization! Thanks to your generosity we've been able to:
  • Design a fully functioning website,
  • Design and print volunteer t-shirts for outreach events.
  • Create mindfulness guides and resources for the women we serve.
  • Establish our brand as a 501C3 as of June 2021.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via email at [email protected].

Organized by Soul Beauty Outreach