Southbound Initiative is a fundraising platform aimed at supporting progressive education and self-organization in the Global South. Through our funding of specific community organizing projects, we support local action that has global impact.

We were founded in order to model a different kind of charity, one that helps Global South organizers and educators on the ground in their efforts to make meaningful, lasting change towards peace and justice. We believe direct financial support for those already “doing the work” is the most effective way to make an impact. 

We are all-volunteer run and have no overhead besides platform transaction fees. All money raised for our project campaigns or for our Solidarity Fund goes straight to the projects and partner organizations we support. If you would like to help pay for expenses we incur and help us expand our operations, we also have a “Keeping the Lights On” fund that goes towards things like equipment and travel expenses for our volunteers.

Currently, we are fundraising for two innovative community centers which focus on social justice education: the Yole! Africa Center in Goma, the DRC, and the Kimathi School in Nanyuki, Kenya.

If you have a project you would like us to consider for fundraising, want to get involved, or have any questions, please email us at: [email protected]

In Solidarity,


Southbound Initiative