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170% of $150 goal

2024 Spring Giving Campaign

Did you know that Peach Hill Park is ENTIRELY funded by donations and grants?! That's right, your dollar is worth so much to the Friends of Peach Hill, and we thank you for it! This Spring, we're diving into all of the essentials that make Peach Hill great—maintenance, tree pruning, trail upkeep, event planning, and more. Your support now ensures our community sanctuary flourishes this year and for years to come. Can you help us keep Peach Hill vibrant? Donate today and be a part of nurturing our shared green haven for all to enjoy. 


Your gift will:

-Fund new trees for the park.

-Create new interactive signage and maps.

-Provide much-needed funds for mowing and park maintenance.

-And much, much more!


Thank you for investing in the beauty and sustainability of Peach Hill Park. 


Organized by Friends of Peach Hill Ltd
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 56-2588525
[email protected]