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0% of $125,000 goal

Help Us Raise 5,000 Gowns

Help Us Turn Children in Hospitals into Real Life Heroes to Meet Today's Goal!

With graduations, summer starting and family travels, June is always the slowest month of the year. Between our hospital requests and the children on our waiting list, we committed to raising almost 5,000 Brave Gowns in June. Not only does this help support Children's Hospitals and children in treatment, but it also helps prevent lay-offs at our factories in the United States. We try to hard to check every box to help where we can!

Thanks to a generous donor at Insurance Office of America, not only will your donation be doubled today, but you will be one of the incredible supporters to help me meet my commitment this month. There is so much support in children's hospitals over the holidays, so these are the months that support is needed most. During the summer, I personally work approximately sixteen hours a day trying to keep everything afloat until support picks up again.

We would be incredibly grateful for your help and support with this!

~Summer & Team Brave Gowns


Organized by Brave Gowns by Happy Ditto
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 46-3527436
[email protected]