Let's Taco Bout It 2021

Join Pre-Taco Talk on Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86551487751?pwd=WG16T0czMVlyRHZkMGh0T2xUL3hXdz09


66 Supporters

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Let's Taco Bout It!

Friday, April 23rd, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT

In Person

Please join us in fundraising and educating for sexual assault awareness month! 4:30 PM - Melanie DeMaeyer from the Women's Resource Center will present on how we can spread awareness and support our community 5PM - $2 Tacos served by Chef's Menu! All proceeds go to the Atlanta Partnership Against Domestic Violence


Donate & Tickets


66 Supporters

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Georgia Tech Alpha Chi Omega

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