The idea is this: Miles has given his heart and soul to Explorers as Akela since the day we began in the Fall of 2016! We have all benefited from his dedication and I want to say thanks. Now, he's venturing off on a new endeavor - Inhora: a home for every person at the hour of death.
So many people reaching the end of their earthly journey find themselves in a sterile environment surrounded by strangers, machines, and noise—or even on the street. And some receiving home-hospice find that they don't have the resources to sustain 24/7 care. The sad reality is that having the right resources can make the difference between a good death--or a bad one. Not to mention that pro-death supporters are taking advantage of the dying by pressuring them into the "choice" of suicide (so called "medical aid in dying" or euthenasia).
These issues strike at human dignity as much as abortion does. This is a mission for Catholics and others who respect human life until "natural death." We shouldn't wait any longer for the government or secular organizations to "fix" this.
Starting in Albuquerque, we can change this experience by starting a home for the dying—together. A home where the dying are honored, loved ones are comforted, staff and volunteers become family, and healthcare providers are inspired and rejuvenated. Supported by volunteers, staff, and partners (especially hospice agencies), the dying and their families will no longer be shunned nor dehumanized as an opportunity for profit or to push the culture of death.
In our home, the dying will be welcomed as essential community members and as Jesus Himself, hidden in the "distressing disguise" of the suffering (St. Mother Teresa).
Because all of us in FNE know and love the Gloetzners I would like you to be a part of this celebration. It is part celebration, part fundraiser, so please pray about how you can generously support Inhora!
Not to mention it's an opportunity to gather in the middle of summer to visit, eat, dance, and celebrate friendship! God is good.
Organized by Inhora
[email protected]