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2% of $60,000 goal

The Art of Giving

The Jubilee Community Center needs your help to support Montgomery’s art community!

We are excited to announce that the Daniel Foundation has awarded $60,000 to the Jubilee Community Center to execute its first three-year strategic plan with priorities to hire a space director and expand programming. To finalize eligibility for this award, we must meet the challenge of matching the award. These funds will enable us to further our mission of fostering mental, physical, spiritual, and social development, through the arts.

The Jubilee Community Center (JCC) is a volunteer-led organization that has served the Montgomery area for over 25 years in many capacities. The JCC has established and maintained a historic program and event venue throughout this time, best known to the public as “The Sanctuary - A Safe Place for Art”.

Thanks to the countless hours of dedication from volunteers and local partners, The Sanctuary has become the cornerstone of community and art programs in downtown Montgomery. Throughout its tenure, the JCC has hosted hundreds of events and thousands of people. Some of our recent programs include the world premiere of Ashes & Ink, COVID Clinics, Financial Preparation, The Annual Sanctuary Showdown, Poetry Out Loud, Yoga, monthly showcases, and a variety of artistic performances.

As a sponsor, your donation supports the growth and sustainability of community programming through art and partnerships. The Jubilee Community Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations are tax-deductible. Please consider supporting The Sanctuary today! 

With your support, we can achieve this season’s fundraising goal and serve our community well. Please make checks payable to the Jubilee Community Center. To learn more about your donation and our strategic plan contact us at 334-245-4546.


Organized by Jubilee Community Center
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 63-1212367