The Wonderful of Was

The Wonderful World of Was tackles a significant and often overlooked societal issue while utilizing the power of art to raise awareness and foster empathy.

"The Wonderful World of Was" takes a unique approach by using the medium of a musical dramedy to shed light on the experiences of individuals living with dementia and the caregivers who support them. Art has the power to spark social change and drive conversations on critical topics. By supporting "The Wonderful World of Was," sponsors can contribute to a broader movement of using art to address social issues.

The arts, including theater, have a powerful ability to engage audiences emotionally and intellectually. By portraying the realities of dementia on stage, the production can increase public understanding of the condition and its impact on individuals and families

Watching characters on stage navigate the challenges of dementia can create a profound sense of empathy among the audience. This emotional connection can lead to increased compassion and support for both individuals with dementia and their caregivers.

Caregivers play a crucial role in supporting individuals with dementia, often facing physical, emotional, and financial challenges. By showcasing their experiences, the musical can honor their dedication and provide a platform for their stories to be heard.

Here are a few ways our production can benefit the community.

  1. Inspire Action: The musical can encourage audience members to get involved in dementia advocacy, support organizations, or even consider careers in healthcare or caregiving. Sponsorship support for the production aligns with corporate social responsibility goals and demonstrates commitment to important societal issues.
  2. Educational Value: The production will include educational materials or post-show discussions that provide factual information about dementia, caregiving resources, and avenues for further support. This can further enhance the impact of the performance by offering tangible takeaways for the audience.
  3. Community Engagement: The musical can serve as a focal point for community discussions and events related to dementia awareness. Sponsors can collaborate with the production team to organize workshops, seminars, or support groups to complement the show's message.

By sponsoring this production, companies not only support the arts but also contribute to a more compassionate and informed society that addresses the needs of individuals living with dementia and their caregivers.

Thank you. Your support is needed and appreciated.


Organized by Social Issues Theatre
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 82-3532634