International WOW Company

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5% of $100,000 goal

International WOW Company

At International WOW Company, we are working on films that ask the more vital questions of our time:

"What is true?"

"How do we heal ourselves?"

"How can we heal the planet?"

"Where is safe from climate change?"

"How can we welcome others who are in harm's way?"

We've made films that have changed the world. Films that have inspired movements and helped keep tons of carbon in the ground.

We create socially conscious work and engage audiences to foster activism. Our work has been seen by millions of people and impacts important issues globally. WOW Company is a significant cultural and activist force, producing hard-hitting progressive theater productions, films, and educational initiatives activating millions for political change.

Over the last decade, our projects have become globally recognized for shaping the forefront of environmental activism. In 2010, IWC’s work began to take on the complex issues of fossil fuel extraction and climate change. The feature film GASLAND broke the story on “fracking” worldwide, shown in 32 countries to an estimated audience of over 500 million people. It garnered an Oscar nomination, an Emmy, and multiple other awards including the prestigious Ono/Lennon Grant for people. The film made “fracking” a reviled household word and ignited a global movement. IWC followed up with GASLAND PART II AWAKE, A DREAM FROM STANDING ROCK and HOW TO LET GO OF THE WORLD AND LOVE ALL THE THINGS CLIMATE CAN’T CHANGE which were frontline reports from Standing Rock to the Amazon to China to Samoa on the global climate crisis.

Our funding is being cut by $100,000 due to changing priorities of one of our funders. We're asking you, our audience, supporters, friends, and collaborators to help us make up the difference.

Please donate to support our films and engagement tours today!


Organized by International WOW Company
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 13-3931803