Give Butter to Krishna! - Support Radha-Krishna NY Temple

Please help support our Sri Radha-Krishna temple in New York, by contributing to or sharing our 'Give Butter to Krishna' donation platform! :)

In October 2020, we started a 60 acre Ashram and temple for Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Raman in the beautiful Catskills, New York. It is called Serve Love - the Bhakta Bandhav Mission, which is a registered and federally exempt 501c3 church. All donations are tax-deductible! Bhakta Bandhav is a Sanskrit name for Krishna and the pure devotee who are dearest friends and who are the best friends and well-wishers of the whole world.

The temple is led by lifelong monks in the Gaudiya Vaishnava lineage, practitioners of Bhakti-yoga, commonly known in the present times as the 'Hare Krishnas'. In our Ashram, we host regular Bhakti events and festivals with free prasada (vegetarian, sanctified food), as well as healing, yoga, and various spiritual activities, and are developing a Vaishnava seminary and academy.

In 2021, we built a temple for Sri Sri Radha-Ramanjiu - Radha-Krishna Deities surrounded by Their four gopi associates - who mercifully came to the temple in October of 2021.

We are raising funds to: (1) maintain service of the Deities, who we serve with 5 daily offerings and Aratis; (2) to renovate and develop housing for devotees and guests; (3) to establish permaculture and organic farming; (4) for solar panels to run the ashram and temple's electricity needs, to minimize our environmental impact; and (5) to be able to host free Bhakti festivals. Please help if you are able!

It is said in scripture, that the Lord, Sri Krishna, does not require anything of us - yet if we offer Him something with devotion as He says in the Gita (9.26), He mercifully accepts our mood of service. And by developing our loving relationship with Him, He brings us to His eternal, blissful abode of Braja. This is why we 'Give Butter to Krishna!' :)

Radhe Radhe! Jai Sri Krishna!

If you'd like to follow us for regular Ashram updates, Darsanas, and to get our quarterly reports, you can join our telegram channel at this link:


Organized by Bhakta Bandhav Mission, Inc.
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 85-2874800
[email protected]