Become a Torah Studio Donor

The Torah Studio is a radically accesible Jewish learning space. Our mission is to give people the tools they need to develop a Torah study practice that nourishes them intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. We do this because 21st century learners need 21st century Torah education.

We are proud of what our learners have achieved in just the last three years. Our students have found (and founded) inclusive Jewish communities, have taken on Jewish leadership positions, and even become Torah Studio teachers! But our proudest moments are when they first speak up in class, when they use text to prove teachers wrong, and when they make intertextual connections to stories we studied together in the past.

We need your help to open the doors to Jewish learning even wider and to continue to meet the growing needs of our committed and meaningful community. Becoming a Torah Studio donor, whether monthly or as a one time action, and share the dreams of a more interesting and more accessible Jewish future with us.


Organized by Torah Studio
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 88-3028307
[email protected]