Tributes & Memorials

When you’ve selected an amount for your donation, check the “Give in Honor/ Memory” and then “Add Recipients to Notify”. An email will be sent telling those you list of the goodness done in their names.

Additionally, you may enter the names of such loved ones on Clear Mountain’s Blessing Braid and the community will spread loving-kindness and chant for them. Such blessings may be especially meaningful to those in difficulty or as a way of remembering those who have passed.

May all beings be well!

Those interested in paying by check my choose the "Pay by check" option after selecting an amount below, at which point relevant information will display. Those paying via Zelle may enter "Friends of Clear Mountain" as the recipient along with the email, [email protected]. Donated funds are managed by Clear Mountain's steward organization, Friends of Clear Mountain, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible with federal tax ID 88-1711004. Please email [email protected] about wire or stock donations, or with general inquiries. Sadhu!


Organized by Friends of Clear Mountain
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 88-1711004
[email protected]