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Be a Hero for the Hungry — Donate Now and Save a Life, Together with Project PEARLS and the Hapag Movement

Be a Hero for the Hungry—Donate Now and Save a Life!

The Philippines needs your help. Working in partnership with Globe, the country's largest mobile network, we are spotlighting the severe hunger situation and asking the world to take notice. In some of the poorest communities, families struggle to survive, with many resorting to "pagpag" – leftovers from restaurant trash, boiled and re-seasoned – to feed themselves. This unhealthy and risky practice exposes them, especially children, to severe food-borne illnesses.


Globe and Project PEARLS share the belief that no child should go hungry. Through the Hapag Movement, we hope to uplift Filipino lives through sustainable feeding and livelihood, providing 500 healthy meals every day to those who need them most. These meals might be the only nutritious food they receive all day. And these could spell the difference for hungry Filipinos, sparking hope where needed the most. 


We need your help to keep this critical program going. By supporting Project PEARLS and Globe's Hapag Movement, you can help ensure that no child has to rely on garbage for their next meal. 

Donate today and become a Project PEARLS & Hapag Movement Hero!


Organized by Project PEARLS
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 27-2624202
[email protected]