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19% of $3,400 goal

Violins for Imago Dei

We'll get right to the point and not "string" you along - Imago Dei needs 12 monthly donors to sponsor violin rentals so we can teach 12 amazing kids how to play the instrument. Will you be a donor for just $19/month for the '24-'25 school year? (Keep reading for a "fiddle o' gold" sponsorship opportunity...) JULY 9 UPDATE: Four violin sponsorships have been donated; eight to go!


Why do we want to expand our music classes to include violin for students who have shown interest? Many reasons. Music education improves concentration and memory. It nurtures creativity and builds self-confidence. Learning to play an instrument helps students deal with stress and anxiety. Students with music education miss fewer days of school. And it can be a lot of fun while developing life-long skills. 


For just $19 a month you can sponsor our new in-school violin classes for Imago Dei students. We already have great teachers to lead the instruction, so your gift goes to covering the cost of equipment rental as we work with LOCAL Tucson music stores. 


We need 12 sponsors (or a combination of partial sponsors). Can you be one of them? Let's "band" together to make sweet music with our kids.


Fiddle o' gold opportunity: Donate $75 a month for the coming year (or a one-time $900 gift) and you'll not only support one aspiring young musician in learning the violin, you'll support all 12 students and their teachers to visit the Music Instrument Museum in Phoenix in April 2025. $75 a month (or $900 one-time) will cover all costs including admissions, transportation, snacks and lunches, and enrichments options at the museum. Best of all: you don't have to risk your soul to make this deal!


About Imago Dei: Founded in 2006, Imago Dei is a small, independent, tuition-free private school in downtown Tucson offering grades 4-8 for children from low-income, under-resourced families. Imago Dei provides small class sizes, individual attention, and an extended school day, week and year. We admit children of diverse faiths, races, cultures, and cognitive profiles. Imago Dei depends for its financial strength on charitable and tax-credit donations from hundreds of individuals, businesses, and foundations who share our vision of breaking cycles of poverty through quality education. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization, making YOUR gift both appreciated AND tax-deductible. Learn more at ImagoDeiSchool.org


Organized by Imago Dei Middle School
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 86-1155866
[email protected]