Your Help. Their Future.

Help Bring Cumorah Academy to Deserving Young Adults.

Cumorah Academy invites young adults from across the globe to enhance their competencies and resilience in spiritual, social, emotional, and professional domains of their lives.

A generous gift of $6,780 funds a full scholarship and permits us to offer young adults facing a financial hardship an opportunity to experience the three month stay on our unique campus that lends itself to our Christ-centered leadership and personal development curriculum; a program rich in rigor, immersive, applicable, cohort-connected, and mentor reinforced.

Our scholarship program is designed with dignity for each recipient student, who has an opportunity to contribute their time and talent in giving back.

“I recovered my hope & confidence, in God and in myself” – from Venezuela

“My life completely changed; I got so much more than just education. I learned how to be “grown up” and how to think with positivity, how to talk to others. I learned I am a child of God” – from Albania

Your scholarship support, whether full or partial, will impact both time & eternity!

Thank You!


Organized by Cumorah Academy
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 85-0617150
[email protected]