LETR Western Hoedown hosted by NM Attorney General & NM Livestock Board
Katherine Trujillo- ktrujillo@nmag.gov & Shannon Fresquez @ shannon@elitenm.com
LETR Western Hoedown hosted by NM Attorney General & NM Livestock Board
Saturday, July 22nd,
10:00 AM –
10:00 PM MDT
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2023-07-22 10:00:00
2023-07-22 22:00:00
LETR Western Hoedown hosted by NM Attorney General & NM Livestock Board
Contact Katherine Trujillo at ktrujillo@nmag.gov to purchase tickets for the dinner and dance.
Contact Shannon Fresquez at shannon@elitenm.com to register for the roping event.
10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, USA
Contact Katherine Trujillo at ktrujillo@nmag.gov to purchase tickets for the dinner and dance.
Contact Shannon Fresquez at shannon@elitenm.com to register for the roping event.