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4% of $8,000 goal

Fund Raising for What's Your Elephant

What’s Your Elephant™ – Empowering Change Through Art and Dialogue

Welcome to What’s Your Elephant™, a transformative 501(c)(3) charitable arts and educational organization dedicated to catalyzing awareness and fostering vital dialogue around under-addressed topics. We believe in the power of the arts as a safe space to address all that is unspoken, paving the way for healing, connection, and social change.


At What’s Your Elephant™, we utilize a dynamic combination of art exhibits, interactive installations, talks, and workshops to provoke awareness and facilitate discussions on pressing issues, including gender, LGBTQ matters, social justice, placemaking, discrimination, and abuse. Through cultural programming, community engagement, and collaborations, we aim to create an inclusive environment where voices are heard, stories are shared, and healing begins.

Our mission also extends to destigmatizing mental health and embracing its significance in our journey of transformation. We firmly believe in the power of the arts to heal, inspire, and transform lives, serving as a catalyst for mental well-being.

We are a new nonprofit, however, this work has been ongoing since 2013


Organized by Whats Your Elephant
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 92-2050164