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37% of $1,000 goal

Orphan Wild Horse Foals

Please open your hearts for these two orphans separated from their mothers during the Antelope Complex gather by Bureau of Land Management. These babies deserve to stay together, that's all they know now, each other 💔

We can bring them home together and guarantee them a forever safe landing ​. But we need your help. Their adoption fees are $125 each = $250 Milk replacer pellets $45 a bag X 3 X 4 weeks a month. I started the fundraiser at $1000 to cover these initial costs to save these Orphans and get them started in a new and safe home here at BlueFeather. ​

Update 9/7/2023 the orphans should be headed to BlueFeather on Tuesday ❤️❤️

Today we are picking up a few bags of foal pellets for them, and again on Monday.


Organized by BlueFeather Horse Sanctuary and Misfits Mustangs
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 88-3588104
[email protected]