Western State University Law Review Association Inc

Law Review Symposium 2024

Dear Legal Community,


The Western State Law Review Board is proud to announce the 2024 Annual Law Review Symposium will be held on April 6, 2024. This year’s topic is on Closing the Justice Gap: How the use of nonlawyer paraprofessionals, artificial intelligence and other legal technologies can provide access to justice and legal services.


This symposium will delve into the transformative potential of AI technology and nonlawyer paraprofessionals in enhancing access to justice, while also examining the ethical, legal, and practical considerations that come with integrating AI and/or paraprofessionals into the legal sphere. The symposium will feature a balanced and informative discussion led by a panel of experts.


As a 501(c)(3) non-profit and student-run organization, Western State Law Review relies on the generosity of its supporters. Sponsorships and donations from alumni and the legal community in support of projects and events are integral to the Law Review’s continued success.


Please visit westernstatelawreview.com to learn more about our organization and the benefits of our Symposium sponsorship tiers. If you would like to support our organization outside of the symposium, please select "Other" for general donations.


Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Our current and future members greatly appreciate your support to Western State Law Review. Thank you in advance!



Western State Law Review

Organized by Western State University Law Review Association Inc
[email protected]