ALL kids had extra homework help after school.
Our Hope & Possibilities fund makes it possible for families to send their children to our out-of-school programs regardless of their financial situation.
This year, more than 550 kids participated in our Afterschool and summer camp programs, which provide academic support, enrichment, physical activity, and fun. With your support, more children can reach their potential.
ALL kids were safe around water.
Your donation to the Hope & Possibilities fund will make it possible for families to sign their kids up for swim lessons regardless their finacial situation.
The Y taught more than 1,500 kids Safety Around Water skills to children in Horry & Georgetown Counties this year. Next year, let's teach more!
ALL kids learned how to be a team player.
You can make it possible for more kids to play sports and learn teamwork by donating to the YMCA of Coastal Carolina's Hope and Possiblities Fund today.
Last year, the YMCA of Coastal Carolina gave more than $3,000 in assistance to help more kids play youth sports. Together, we can make it possible for more parents to say "yes!" when their child wants to play a sport.
ALL had help and support to overcome chronic conditions.
The Y provides a variety of clinical classes specifically to increase balance, strength and flexibility to support in overcoming chronic conditions.
ALL in our community could experience the joy of better health.
The YMCA of Coastal Carolina provides countless opportunities to get moving and experience the joy of better health.
Give to the Y.
Together, we can teach more kids to swim, help more kids be a part of a team, support more in our community with chronic conditions, assist more to join the Y, and so much more by donating to the Hope and Possibilties fund.