Founded by two teenagers in California, USA, 1990, YES! has evolved into a vibrant and dynamic organization working towards providing co-creative brave spaces for changemakers like you. People gifted with compassion and a desire to make a difference. People looking for healing, learning, and connecting at the personal, interpersonal, and systemic level.
YES! Is a vibrant and dynamic body of people – staff, board, global program partners, alumni, and supporters – on a learning journey, seeking to live and work more consciously in alignment with our values. Our organization focuses on restoring balance sustainably and creating partnerships across historic divides. YES! brings these core elements into social change movements worldwide by creating transformational gatherings called Jams and building lasting partnerships with diverse social entrepreneurs to create intentional space for the role of love and spirit.
We seek to facilitate growth and positive change on three simultaneous and deeply interconnected levels: the internal, the interpersonal, and the systemic. We ignite the power of self-awareness and of beloved community, recognizing how inner work and relational shifts can lead to healing and liberation. We nurture vision and collaboration to co-create possibilities for our lives, our families, our work and our communities