Women in Measurement Inc

Circle of Advocates

We are inviting our community to join our new Women in Measurement Circle of Advocates. Becoming an Advocate is one of the strongest ways you can help our nonprofit. Our Advocates are monthly donors who support our mission and play an integral role in helping our organization sustain and expand its impact.


Monthly giving allows Women in Measurement to sustain and grow its impact. Women in Measurement Advocates donate at least $20/month to our organization. Women in Measurement is led by a team of committed volunteers. The sustaining donations from our Advocates enable us to continue to make progress towards our vision and expand our impact.  


Benefits of becoming an Advocate:

  • Support the advancement of gender and racial equity in educational measurement

  • Proudly display your active affiliation with our organization as an Advocate on your professional LinkedIn profile
  • Public acknowledgment and gratitude for your support at our Women in Measurement networking reception and in our annual report 

  • We are a 501(c)3 organization and your donation is tax deductible!

Organized by Women in Measurement Inc